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Swizzels Marvellous Mallows Drumstick 125g
Swizzels Marvellous Mallows Drumstick 125g
Best Before 14.01.25
Swizzels Marvellous Mallows Drumstick is a delightful twist on traditional marshmallows, infusing the classic raspberry and milk flavor of the beloved Drumstick Lolly into every soft, fluffy bite. These magical mallows offer more than just sweetness; they’re an adventure for your taste buds, transcending the ordinary with their enchanting combination of flavors. Perfect for adding a pop of whimsy to your hot cocoa, decorating desserts, or simply enjoying as a standalone treat, these mallows are sure to charm both kids and adults alike. Dive into the whimsical world of Swizzels and experience the joy of marshmallows reimagined! Imported from the UK.
SKU: 5010478401570
Category: Sweets
Tags: Individually Wrapped, Lollies, Lolly Pop, Retro, Retro Sweet, Vegan
Jawbreaker On A Stick
$2.75Jawbreaker On A Stick
A Jawbreaker on a Stick, that was a brilliant day. Still even a genius idea like this has its drawbacks….no sticky fingers to lick.
Mega Double Lollies
$1.50Mega Double Lollies
Mega Double Lollies. The iconic Double Lolly Stick is a timeless confectionery treat, forever synonymous with the traditional British sweetshop.
The name “double lolly” comes from the two layers of fruit flavours of which the lolly is comprised. A suitable treat for kids, these lollies are also a guilty pleasure for sweet-toothed grown-ups!